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180 Turn Around


Invest In Saving Children

Become part of the SOLUTION!

The More Electronic Detection K9s That Are Working, More Children Will Be Saved and Offenders Will Be Stopped.

Help Add Four More K9s in 2022

"Operation 180 Turn-Around offers contributors a unique opportunity to join a Task-Force of donors dedicated to turning around crimes against children.  Your contribution WILL help save children's lives!

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  • Identify & Save Children

  • Prosecute Offenders

  • Support Law Enforcement

  • Therapy For Children & Law Enforcement

One Sex Offender 
Has Many Child Victims

  • The average Sex Offender has Nine to 150 children they abuse.

  • Victims' ages range from Newborns on Up! 

You can help stop the offenders

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"Focus On The Palmetto State to learn more about Operation 180 TurnAround Task-Force"

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Operation 180 Turn Around is Task-Force of caring individuals and companies dedicated to directly impacting crimes against children. 

We invite you to become part of this growing Task-Force of donors who help fund Electronic Detection K9s, a State of the Art tool for law enforcement agencies, assisting them in locating electronic devices that are difficult or impossible to find using traditional search methods.  Locating and seizing this hidden evidence is vital to prosecuting criminals, rescuing children, and creating a safer community.

Defenders For Children display the task force list on our social media platforms, main events, and publications for many years. To add your name or company to the list, we ask individuals, companies, churches, or groups to fundraise or donate $1,000 or more.  The more money donated, the more K9s will be placed, and more children will be saved. The Task Force will help place Electronic Detection K9s with Law Enforcement Agencies dealing with high levels of child abuse, trafficking, and pornography.  Any company, group, or individual that raises or donates $23,000 will receive special K9 naming privileges.   You will leave a lasting legacy. 


Raise The Money Or Make A Cash Donation. 

Lead Investor - "Name The K9"  $23,000 

Executive Leader - $10,000

Investing Leader - $5,000

Team Leader - $2,500

Member - $1,000

Any size donation will help create safer communities for our children.   You can donate cash or host a fundraiser to help you reach your goal. 


* Add your name, group, or company to the Task Force!
Show our community how serious you are about saving children's lives. A donation can be given by an individual, company, social group, church, school, friend, and organization. 
Every Dollar Matters:  No donation is too big or too small, and all are greatly appreciated.   
*All Donations Tax- Deductible

Slide Video - Electronic Detection K9

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Learn How You Can Name A Electronic Detection K9!!!


Join Operation 180 Turn Around Taskforce by Fundraising. 

Ideas How You Can Raise Money For The Taskforce Membership... The more you raise the higher your Membership and the more benefits you will receive.  You can have an opportunity to move up levels. 

Pot Luck, Chili or BBQ Cook-Off, Raffle Item or Service, Church, Customers, Schools, Social Gathering, Sales Percentage Day, Local Restaurant, or Spa, Dinner Party,

Fundraiser At School, Host A Party With Friends & Co-Workers, Walk, Golf Tournament, Sports Event, Raffle A Item or Service To Your Customers and Community.  Ideas are endless. 


You May Have Your Own Idea!!! 

Many of our Supporters join together

Thank you to the Sponsors below who already begun saving the lives of children.

Below: South Carolina's First Electronic Detection K-9 was gifted to Greenville County Sheriff's Office - Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce.   

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Dabo All In Foundation
Nature Select
The Capital Corporation
Greenville County Sheriff's Office
Ruth Chris Steak House
Southern First Bank
International Plastics
Infinity Animal Hospital
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